Saturday, September 15, 2012

My kind of town.

Chicago is renowned for its architecture, it's nickname: "The Windy City" on account of its location on the shore of Lake Michigan and Al Capone.

It's somewhere here...

But this blog will mainly consist of pictures, because for me Chicago's main attraction is the stunning sculpture by Anish Kapoor. He is the chap who designed the sculpture outside the Olympic Stadium in London. This one in Chicago is a very different kettle of fish though. Its original name is Cloud Gate, and is composed of 168 stainless steel plates welded together.

Can you see it yet?

 It was completed in 2006, and has been delighting visitors ever since. We've never seen a sculpture that engages with so many people, and is so accessible.

Walking up to it, it's difficult to figure our where it is exactly, or the scale of it, but when you round the corner it's like being confronted by a huge bubble of light.

It weighs about thirty tons, but looks as light as light itself. It merges in with its surroundings, and changes dramatically with every step.

I don't know if it's meant to represent anything, but I do know that everyone we saw around it was entranced by its size, shape and form. It was wonderful to see.

The pictures say it much better than words.

We did visit other touristy sites of course, but for us, Kapoor is king in Chicago.

Another of Chicago's attractions - 103 floors up.

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